Islamic finance (Beginner) Bi-Annually
About Course
Financial Courses (Beginner, Islamic Edition)
Course Content
Module 1: Principles of Islamic Finance I
The Prohibition of Riba (Interest), Gharar (Uncertainty) and Maysir (Gambling)
00:00 -
The Importance of Asset-Backing and Risk-Sharing in Islamic Finance.
00:00 -
The Concept of Money as a Medium of Exchange, Not a Commodity
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The Role of Islamic Finance in Promoting Social Justice and Equality
00:00 -
1. The Good and Bad of Money in Islam
2. Fairness and Helping in Islamic Finance
3. Money as a Way to Trade
4. Working Together in Islamic Finance
Quiz For Module 1:Principles of Islamic Finance
Worksheet 1
Module 2: Islamic Banking
Module 3: Introduction to Mudaraba
Module 4: Money Management in Islam
Module 5: Introduction to Murabaha
Module 6: Islamic Consumer Behavior
Module 7: Introduction to Sukuk
Module 8: The Principles and Practices of Zakat
Module 9: Introduction to Ijarah
Module 10: Introduction to Musharaka
Module 11: Waqf and Islamic Philanthropy
Module 12: Fundamentals of Takaful
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